In the midst of this CoronaVIrus outbreak, there are pockets of sunshine. One ray of positivity is that Inspirational Recording Artist TOYA, formerly known as LaToya Wilson, is back with a new single and a forthcoming 2020 album, Shine.
It’s been eleven years since St. Louis based indie recording artist TOYA released her last project. In between that time she completed her degree from top entertainment business school, Full Sail University. She had her second biological son by her former husband. TOYA launched a successful business, lost some of her desire to make music, but then bounced back to create some of the best music she ever made, which is releasing in 2020!
TOYA’s single “God Got You,” a fast uptempo fun song was scheduled for release on April 10 on major digital platforms but has been pushed back due to the CoronaVirus outbreak. We will update you on that later. The album Shine is now tentatively scheduled for a Summer release. My personal favorite track is the mid-tempo, “Bounce Back.” It is a song about being knocked down but finding the courage through faith to bounce back to life with a new source of strength.

Having fun with TOYA at her listening party at Shock City-St. Louis on TOYA’s birthday in December 2019. L to R Lin Woods, TOYA and Wanda Combs-Inspired Lives Foundation.
TOYA is very transparent about her life today. She hopes that through her words and music she can inspire hope in others. Listen below on my Lin. Woods Gospel Entertainment Podcast as she talks candidly about her faith, church hurt, bouncing back, trusting your process, her new album Shine, juggling mommy-hood with business and music careers, and more. Listen, like, and be inspired!
Lin. Woods, Family and Faith Based Entertainment Editor/Writer
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Twitter and Instagram: @linwoods96
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