Preachers Of L.A. cast:
(L to R) (Row 1) Minister Deitrick Haddon, Pastor Wayne Chaney, (Row 2) Pastor Jay Haizlip, Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop Clarence McClendon and Bishop Ron Gibson.
Preachers of L.A.’s finale wraps up another successful season on the Oxygen Network on a positive note.
Preachers of L.A. was criticized when it first hit cable television screens in 2013. The show’s cast was accused of exposing too much of the lives of preachers, to flaunting their wealth, to airing the church’s business before a national audience.
Season two of Preachers of L.A. on the Oxygen Network showed a mix of what goes on with the ministry and the personal lives of the cast of preachers. the Fall 2014 shows featured Pastor Jay Haizlip reaching out to a boy living on the streets. Bishop Ron Gibson visited gang territory and the projects he once called home in the L.A. area to reach out to young people involved in gangs. Gibson was once a gang member.
Cast member Pastor Wayne Chaney, leader of Antioch Church-Long beach, CA, and his wife Myesha dealt with personal family issues surrounding Chaney’s mother and brother. Chaney served as the mediator in the family to help resolve the issue while showing that preachers have family problems just like everyone else.
Chaney became a part of the cast early on. He said, “I spoke to my friend, Holly Carter, one of the executive producers of the Preachers of L.A. and they had a concept of wanting to bring pastors together. Initially I didn’t know that people would watch a show about pastors. I wanted to know what is the hook? What is the catch? In fact, when they shot the demo I didn’t even shave.”
Later Chaney was reassured by the show’s talent. He said, “I didn’t know it would get picked up….Once I realized who the other pastors were I realized we could have a hit on our hands.”
According to Chaney, acceptance of the show is a divided along generational lines. He said,”It’s funny, the boomers and generations past, they wanted pastors and leaders with a certain mystique, who were iconic figures….they really liked the mystery of it all. Research shows generation YX and millenials, their heroes are people who are authentic and often times people they know. So you don’t hear them say things like ‘My hero is President Barack Obama.’ They say ‘My hero is my mom, my coach, or a local pastor.”
Chaney believes the younger generation is more attached to Preachers of L.A. because of their desire to connect to pastors and ministries that are more revealing of their frailties, strengths and weaknesses, more transparent. “That generation of people really feel like they know us. And because of that, it’s (Preachers of L.A.) broken down all of those barriers and allowed them to come through the church doors and make that connection with us, “ said Chaney.
When asked about the finale Chaney said, “Several small stories are coming together this week…The guys are getting ready to pull off this big huge “Preach L.A.” event where we all get together collectively and do something for the community. The miracle in that honestly is just getting us guys together with the schedules we have and with the leadership we have, on the same page.”
Preachers of L.A.’s 2014 second season finale airs tonight on Oxygen at 9/8 CST.