Gospel Recording Artist Tasha Cobbs Talks About her music, success, family and her favorite form of therapy Tasha Cobbs is a worship leader whose debut single,“Break Every Chain” was a hit out of the box. It...
Lin. Woods talks with Dr. Dennis Kimbro About Success Secrets of Black Millionaires I just had to share with you today this episode of my podcast featuring a conversation I had with...
Where Did Our Love Go? Love and Relationships… Many feel there is a big marriage problem within the African Community. Just ask any single woman over 30...
The Gracies Awards Are Coming I know some of you may be sick of all of these awards shows, but me being a woman...
Ford Honors Unsung Heroes – Nominate Yours Posted by Lin. Woods Ford Motor Company honors the outstanding achievements of ordinary people and organizations doing extraordinary things...
He Is Risen! For millions around the world, including me, this is Easter Sunday – Resurrection Day, or the day we celebrate...
Gospel Star Kierra Sheard and Family Star in BET Reality TV Show “The Sheards” Award winning Gospel recording artist, Kierra Sheard and her family (mom – Karen Clark Sheard, dad – Bishop John...
J Moss Talks Abouot His Music, Life and Butts In The Seats Stellar Award winning Gospel recording artist and super producer of Gospel and Urban music, J Moss is one of...
Salli Richardson-Whitfield Stars in Pastor Brown on Lifetime In Celebration of Black History Month, Lifetime will premiere the movie Pastor Brown Saturday, February 16, 2013, 8p.m. EST. ...